
Hanna Sinare

Hanna Sinare

Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University


Hanna Sinare

Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Focus area:

Hanna Sinare’s research interests are in human-environment interactions in smallholder agricultural and agro-forestry landscapes. Her geographic focus is West Africa, particularly Burkina Faso. In her current research she focuses on youth perspectives on opportunities and constraints in agriculture and the wider rural economy. Through interviews, policy analysis and scenario planning she studies what young people in Burkina Faso perceives as opportunities and constraints for agriculture as occupation, how their perspectives fit with policies for agriculture and youth, and how the agri-food system can be sustainable in a region with multiple changes including climate, infrastructure, population and lifestyles.


Hanna Sinare previously worked with synthesis of research on social-ecological systems, ecosystem services and development in the West African Sahel region. Sinare holds a PhD in Natural Resources Management from Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University (2016). In her thesis Benefits from ecosystem services in Sahelian village landscapes she combined participatory methods and remote sensing to include local knowledge in ecosystem services assessment at the village scale to the provincial scale, and to assess the change in generation of ecosystem services over time since the 1950s. As a part of her PhD thesis work she conducted fieldwork in rural Burkina Faso for a total of six months 2011, 2012 and 2016. Sinare holds a MSc degree in Soil and Water Management (2009) and a BSc degree in Biology (2008) from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


Agroforestry landscapes, smallholder farming, youth, ecosystem services, West Africa, Sahel, Burkina Faso


Goffner, D.*, Sinare, H.*, Gordon L.J. 2019. The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative as an opportunity to enhance resilience in Sahelian landscapes and livelihoods. Regional Environmental Change.
* these authors contributed equally to this work.

Malmborg, K., Sinare, H., Enfors Kautsky, E., Ouedraogo, I., Gordon, L.J. 2018. Mapping regional livelihood benefits from local ecosystem services assessments in rural Sahel. PLoS ONE 13(2):e0192019.
Haider, L.J., Hentati-Sundberg, J., Giusti, M., Goodness, J., Hamman, M., Masterson, V., Meacham, M., Merrie, A., Ospina, D., Schill, C., and Sinare, H. 2017. The undisciplinary journey: Early-career perspective in sustainability science. Sustainability Science
Sinare, H., Gordon, L. J., Enfors Kautsky, E. 2016. Assessment of ecosystem services and benefits in village landscapes - a case study from Burkina Faso. Ecosystem Services 21:141-152
Sinare, H., Gordon, L.J. 2015. Ecosystem services from woody vegetation on agricultural lands in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 200: 186-199.
West, S., Haider, J., Sinare, H., Karpouzoglou, T. 2014. Beyond Divides: Prospects for synergy between resilience and pathways approaches to sustainability, STEPS Working Paper 65, Brighton: STEPS Centre.



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