
Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests can play a vital part for both climate- and poverty issues; in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and as a source of income for poor people that depend on the forest for their livelihood.

Multifunctional landscapes

Multifunctional landscapes

Many Focali researchers focus on synergies and trade-offs between different land-uses in the landscape, such as interactions between forests and agriculture

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Focali is rebuilding this website during 2023. All members and partners are not presented on this website. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for the new web!

Welcome to Focali

Focali (Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network) is a Swedish research network focusing on forest / bio-energy, climate change and poverty issues. Several Swedish universities and institutions are represented in the network. The purpose is to contribute to the provision of relevant knowledge to Sida and other Swedish authorities for the effective use of forest operations to achieve climate-poverty targets. Focali also aims to increase the flow of relevant information between scientists, industry, government and civil society.

For more information about Focali, click here

Sveriges första nationella skogsprogram sätter fokus på hållbart brukande och bevarande av skog

Sveriges första nationella skogsprogram sätter fokus på hållbart brukande och bevarande av skog

May 28, 2018

Den 17 maj 2018 beslutade regeringen om en strategi för Sveriges nationella skogsprogram. Kärnan i programmet är den breda dialogen om skogens roll för ett hållbart samhälle och en växande bioekonomi. Hållbart brukande och bevarande av skogen ska enligt strategin inte bara vara i fokus i Sverige utan även en profilfråga i svenskt internationellt samarbete.

How does carbon offsetting impact landscapes? And what are the implications for climate and land use policies?

How does carbon offsetting impact landscapes? And what are the implications for climate and land use policies?

Jun 05, 2018 01:30 PM to Jun 05, 2018 04:00 PM.

Welcome to this joint Focali-SIANI seminar in Stockholm on the World Environment Day! At this event we dig deeper into opportunities and risks of various carbon offsetting initiatives.

Bridge over troubled waters: How can we bury the hatchet between industry and civil society?

Bridge over troubled waters: How can we bury the hatchet between industry and civil society?

The production of everything from shirts to foods has an impact on people and the planet. In fact, palm oil, soy, beef and wood products alone are responsible for 70% of global deforestation. Clearly, sustainable business practices are urgently needed to solve the problems evoked by unsustainable production.

New brief from AgriFoSe2030 on gender issues in research on agriculture for food security

New brief from AgriFoSe2030 on gender issues in research on agriculture for food security

Apr 26, 2018

Agriculture in low- and middle-income countries face considerable challenges with rapidly evolving complexity. Although opportunities for agricultural research to succeed in addressing the issues are significant, one major barrier is the low level of gender equity. This brings challenges across entire crop and livestock value chains, all the way to landscape management.

Sweden must act stronger for women's right to use and own land

Sweden must act stronger for women's right to use and own land

Apr 06, 2018

Representatives from the Agroforestry Network, amongst them Focali researchers Anders Malmer and Johanna Björklund, writes in a debate article about how Sweden need to act stronger to promote women's right to use and own land.

Young researchers meeting on rural transformation: challenges and possibilities for rural communities

Young researchers meeting on rural transformation: challenges and possibilities for rural communities

Jun 07, 2018 12:00 PM to Jun 08, 2018 03:00 PM.

Are you a young researcher, PhD student, post-doc or in the beginning of your research career? Is your work about understanding the processes of rural transformation? Join the meeting for young researchers in Uppsala 7-8 June! Abstract submission deadline April 30, 2018.

Konsumera mat utan tropisk avskogning – går det?

Konsumera mat utan tropisk avskogning – går det?

Apr 19, 2018 06:30 PM to Apr 19, 2018 07:30 PM.

Focali är med på Vetenskapsfestivalen i Göteborg den 19 april! Missa inte vårt seminarium på pedagogen där vi kommer att diskutera hur import av mat hänger ihop med avskogning, vilka utmaningar och möjligheter det finns att komma till bukt med problemen, samt vem som faktiskt bär störst ansvar i att få vår matimport fri från avskogning.

Conserving carbon and gender relations? Gender perspectives on REDD+ and global climate policy

Conserving carbon and gender relations? Gender perspectives on REDD+ and global climate policy

The REDD+ instrument, aimed at conserving tropical forests and its stored carbon, have explicit considerations of gender sensitivity, poverty reduction and respecting local communities embedded in the program. Still, considerations of gender issues tend to be pushed to the future and to side activities specifically directed at women. In this dissertation, Lisa Westholm argues that gender must be considered as a matter of social relations of power that is relevant at all levels of policy making, in order to avoid that policies perpetuate or exacerbate existing inequalities.

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