
Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests can play a vital part for both climate- and poverty issues; in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and as a source of income for poor people that depend on the forest for their livelihood.

Multifunctional landscapes

Multifunctional landscapes

Many Focali researchers focus on synergies and trade-offs between different land-uses in the landscape, such as interactions between forests and agriculture

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Focali is rebuilding this website during 2023. All members and partners are not presented on this website. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for the new web!

Welcome to Focali

Focali (Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network) is a Swedish research network focusing on forest / bio-energy, climate change and poverty issues. Several Swedish universities and institutions are represented in the network. The purpose is to contribute to the provision of relevant knowledge to Sida and other Swedish authorities for the effective use of forest operations to achieve climate-poverty targets. Focali also aims to increase the flow of relevant information between scientists, industry, government and civil society.

For more information about Focali, click here

Assessing change in national forest monitoring capacities of 99 tropical countries

Assessing change in national forest monitoring capacities of 99 tropical countries

Article with an overview of national forest monitoring and reporting capacities and changes in 99 tropical countries has been published in Forest Ecology and Management. It is written by Erika Romijn, Celso B. Lantican, Martin Herold, Erik Lindquist, Robert Ochieng, Arief Wijaya, Daniel Murdiyarso, Louis Verchot.

Effects of Governance on Availability of Land for Agriculture and Conservation in Brazil

Effects of Governance on Availability of Land for Agriculture and Conservation in Brazil

Focali member Göran Berndes and his colleagues Gerd Sparovek, Alberto Giaroli de Oliveira Pereira Barretto and Marcelo Matsumoto published in Environmental Science & Technology.

Interview with Focali researcher Martin Karlson who just “nailed” his PhD thesis

Interview with Focali researcher Martin Karlson who just “nailed” his PhD thesis

Oct 14, 2015

Martin Karlson PhD candidate at Linköping University will defend his thesis, on Remote Sensing of Woodland Structure and Composition in the Sudano-Sahelian zone, 23 October. In this interview he shares experiences from his field research in Burkina Faso and the main contributions from his research for the use of remote sensing in the region.

Sweden's first Agroforestry Congress

Sweden's first Agroforestry Congress

Nov 13, 2015 01:00 PM to Nov 15, 2015 01:00 PM.

This congress will discuss the role of agroforestry for a new type of urban development and the development of rural areas with increased local and sustainable production. Focali are one of the organizers of the event together with the city of Gothenburg, SIANI, Vi-Agroforestry, Mistra Urban Futures and others.

How to rebuild a rainforest after fire and logging - The IKEA funded ”Sow-a-Seed” project in Borneo

How to rebuild a rainforest after fire and logging - The IKEA funded ”Sow-a-Seed” project in Borneo

Focali seminar
Nov 10, 2015 01:15 PM to Nov 10, 2015 03:00 PM.

Welcome to attend our open Focali seminar, 10 November, and listen to experiences from one of the largest areas of restored rainforest in the world. Focali members Ulrik Ilstedt and Malin Gustafsson, from the Department of Forest Ecology and Management at SLU, are working with the “Saw-a-seed project” together with scientists from around the world. The project, funded by IKEA and the "Kamprad Family Foundation", aims at restoring an area of 18 500 ha rainforest on Borneo in Sabah that was seriously damaged by forest fires and logging.

Carbon and Cash in Climate Assemblages: The Making of a New Global Citizenship

Carbon and Cash in Climate Assemblages: The Making of a New Global Citizenship

Article by Seema Arora-Jonsson, Focali member Lisa Westholm, Beatus John Temu and Andrea Petitt to be published in Antipode later this year. Now available online.

Defining Solutions, Finding Problems: Deforestation, Gender, and REDD+ in Burkina Faso

Defining Solutions, Finding Problems: Deforestation, Gender, and REDD+ in Burkina Faso

Lisa Westholm and her colleague Seema Arora-Jonsson were published in Conservation and Society.

Remote sensing of vegetation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: A literature review from 1975 to 2014

Remote sensing of vegetation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: A literature review from 1975 to 2014

Martin Karlson and Madelene Ostwald were published in Journal of Arid Environments.

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