
Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests, climate and livelihoods are interconnected

Forests can play a vital part for both climate- and poverty issues; in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and as a source of income for poor people that depend on the forest for their livelihood.

Multifunctional landscapes

Multifunctional landscapes

Many Focali researchers focus on synergies and trade-offs between different land-uses in the landscape, such as interactions between forests and agriculture

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website

Focali is rebuilding this website during 2023. All members and partners are not presented on this website. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for the new web!

Welcome to Focali

Focali (Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network) is a Swedish research network focusing on forest / bio-energy, climate change and poverty issues. Several Swedish universities and institutions are represented in the network. The purpose is to contribute to the provision of relevant knowledge to Sida and other Swedish authorities for the effective use of forest operations to achieve climate-poverty targets. Focali also aims to increase the flow of relevant information between scientists, industry, government and civil society.

For more information about Focali, click here

Agricultural development as a driver for change

Agricultural development as a driver for change

Oct 30, 2014

The Church of Sweden's position paper on agricultural development for poverty reduction and sustainable development for 2014-2017 is now available in English.

Towards a Global Research Program on Food Systems

Towards a Global Research Program on Food Systems

Oct 25, 2014 09:30 AM to Oct 25, 2014 04:00 PM.

Focali project coordinator Maria Göthberg will attend a 1-day workshop in Copenhagen with the aim to establish a research area on food systems.

A recap from workshop on Forest Conservation, Agroforestry and Livelihoods

A recap from workshop on Forest Conservation, Agroforestry and Livelihoods

Focali researcher Torsten Krause recaps the main points of discussion from the FOCALI-the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) workshop on June 10 2014.

Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?

Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?

In a SEI news story Focali researchers Toby Gardner and Javier Godar describe their findings from a study on Brazil's deforestation.

Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?

Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?

Oct 14, 2014

In a SEI news story Focali researchers Toby Gardner and Javier Godar describe their findings from a study on Brazil's deforestation.

Reflections on participatory monitoring

Reflections on participatory monitoring

Focali researcher Torsten Krause shares his thoughts after participating in an International Seminar on Participatory Monitoring for the Management of Biodiversity and Natural Resources in Manaus, Brazil.

Can Agroforestry Address Food Security Concerns under a Changing Climate?

Can Agroforestry Address Food Security Concerns under a Changing Climate?

Nov 11, 2014 10:00 AM to Nov 12, 2014 04:00 PM.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading scholar-practitioners from five parts of the world, Sweden, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Ecuador, to share knowledge of and aspirations for agroforestry systems.

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