
Forests, Landscapes and Food Security - a collaboration with SIANI


Forests, Landscapes and Food Security - a collaboration with SIANI

Focali has, since 2014, collaborated with SIANI under the theme "Forests, Landscapes and Food Security".

When Sep 01, 2013 12:00 AM to
Aug 31, 2016 12:00 AM
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The Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) was initiated by Sida in 2009 to lay the foundation for effective development cooperation in the area of poverty reduction through sustainable agricultural production. SIANI is a member-based network that supports and promotes Swedish expertise on sustainable food security and nutrition, in line with the Swedish Government’s policy on global development. 
Focali and SIANI were launched during the same time period and have cooperated informally in different ways since then. During 2012 discussions about a more active collaboration around joint events were held between the Focali and SIANI secretariat. Since 2014 Focali and SIANI collaborate thematically with "Forests, Landscapes and Food Security".

What does the the theme entail?

Several of the starting points, for Focali, for a focus on forests and food security can be found in the joint Focali-SIANI brief: ”Forest and trees – essential for food security on a landscape level”. In this brief we made it clear that a focus on forest and food would not primarily be about the direct benefits of trees, such as fruits, but about the indirect and multiple benefits of trees in the landscape. Trade-offs between different land demands, forest tenure and consequences of land use changes will also be a part of this landscape perspective on forests and food security.
The mission for SIANI, phase two, is to "promote dialogue and collaboration among scientists, practitioners, policymakers, the private sector, government authorities and civil society, with a focus on sustainable food and nutrition security in the context of poverty reduction, primarily in low income countries”. In addition to this overall vision Focali envisages the following benefits with the new collaboration: Improved visibility, research communication, policy influence and improved network (e.g. with relevant actors in Stockholm and internationally). Focali and the theme will in addition be able to benefit from the rich experience, tools and skills SIANI has related to communication. 
We believe that our network both can benefit from and contribute to the role SIANI aims to play between the Swedish resource base and global debates and dialogues. Furthermore Focali sees multiple benefits with increased support for collaborative projects, publications and events among the members and with other actors.  
Read more about the work that we do within the theme on our joint website.

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