
Climate Assessed SFM

Small scale banana plantation, Tanzania


During 2009 and 2010 Focali has made several presentations, which generated discussions and supported research resulting in publications elsewhere. The research have dealt with the relationship between water resources to SFM and climate development, competing land uses, and climate aspects of sustainable forest plantations. During 2011 our research will focus on the climate effect of SFM. Focali aim to publish policy briefs for each of the topics below.

Analysis of the effect on climate from SFM

A broad analysis of the effect on climate from SFM is necessary and we will contintue with our review of the area’s research. Above all it is interesting to study potential trade-offs between SFM and climate interventions (e.g. carbon sequestration). With the help of literature reviews we will present synergies and conflicts. Existing analyses and policy recommendations will be studied. SFM tends to be general in their approach and we will explore to what degree they are supported by scientific studies and/or local or regional analyses.

Obstacles to climate assessed SFM – Case study in Burkina Faso

Focali has several researchers who are involved in different projects working with the role and value of trees and forest in Burkina Faso. We will strive to present a multidisciplinary description of the current situation of SFM in Burkina Faso, and to identify potential threats and opportunities for climate adaptation and climate change. Scenarios to be analysed include: what happens to the trees if droughts become more frequent, sale price on cereal grains or cotton increase, or if the Burkina Faso receive investments to climate interventions (e.g. carbon sequestration)?

SFM and climate in relation to deforestation

Focali will be communicating its research more actively in certain areas, including: a) the connection between expansive agriculture and deforestation (Brazil), b) the relationship between conservation, SFM, fires and carbon sequestration (Guatemala, Brazil), c) aspects of SFM in the forest reform “Sloping land conversion program” in China, d) analysis of the optimal management of forest plantations given the alternative use of fuel, commercial logging or carbon sink.

SFM and bioenergy

Lastly, Focali will publish a policy brief with recommendations during 2011, in connection to a book release presenting research of the relationship between SFM and the growing global bioenergy demand.

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